Today, dinosaurs mainly capture the imagination of children. Take a look of the entire dinosaur related toys, animations, games, and movies, we know that the theme of dinosaurs has not changed from being a fascinating one. Why do all kinds of people, from children to scholars and from the entertainment industry to the media, seize hold of dinosaurs? This is because the dinosaur is the most attractive topic among ancient mysteries; so we should explore this mystery so that people can see how their previous understandings can be a bit off or even wrong.
In the circle of academic studies on dinosaurs, scholars have an inappropriate concept that dinosaurs reproduced themselves with laying eggs. Why did people come to this conclusion? The reason possibly related to the western people who first studied dinosaurs regarded dinosaur as terrible or great “lizard”; it is attributed to the reptile or reptiles (please see reference from the western encyclopedia). Therefore, they deduced that since lizards are animals of laying eggs and then dinosaurs may be the animals of laying eggs. Well, did dragons that were recorded by the ancient Chinese lay eggs?
First, we should make a definition of stupidity: human stupidity means that people do not understand the true identity of themselves, but invented all sorts of philosophy and religions for self-deceiving. What is the true identity of the mankind?
From the earliest times to now, mankind has experienced an unfathomable number of deceptions. But everyone lies from an early age without the need of a teacher. Similarly everyone will be deceived. When they are greatly hurt by a lie, they might view it as the greatest fraud they ever experienced in their lifetime. However, for the whole of mankind, what is the greatest deception of all? Or in other words, what gave mankind the most damage? The answer is the hand in hand workings of evolutionism and atheism. These ideas have fooled many, causing them to lose sight of the meaning of life and then they lose the chance of the pursuit of eternal salvation.
First, the theory of evolution and atheism has misled people in believing that what is false is true; they have also turned the facts into myths. In the history of mankind, there have been many births and disappearances of religions. No one can count h ow many false gods human beings have worshiped. But even this cannot be labeled as the biggest deception of mankind. This is just because humans couldn’t find the true God, so they resolved with serving false idols made by humans. At the same time, in the coexistence of many religions those who born into religious families may view religion as a spiritual drug; and in the other hand, unbelievers may wonder which god is the true one. Therefore, religions may drop a hint onto people about a life after death or eternal life. This is comparable to a frog that views the sky from the bottom of the well. Even though those people haven’t seen the whole sky, they catch a glimpse of a little bit of it, for this reason they may have wrong ideas and beliefs. When religious believers jump out of their well of traditional worldviews and ponder the true meaning of life, they might, after using the help of the Bible, know the true God. But evolutionists and atheists insist that in the universe there isn’t an existence of a god. To them, humans and the rest of creation has just evolved through the billions of years. This is like telling the frog in the well that the sky doesn’t exist, and looking at your own reflection in the water is enough. This causes many people to never wonder about God’s existence and the mysteries of the spiritual world.
Second, evolutionism and atheism very easily enter human worldview so that people will unknowingly become believers of these theories. This is because a person’s worldview focuses on themselves as the center. Evolutionism and atheism is an invisible religion especially made for mankind’s conceitedness and selfishness. We say this is an invisible religion because there are no religious sites, rituals, or worship objects. However, the viewpoint of evolutionism and atheism is truly a religious belief for that people blindly follow and regard it as truth; so their object of worship is actually themselves. Since evolutionism was born, atheism found a great partner and began to attack the traditional faith of European Christians. This led to the changing of the political core to focus on humanism, and nation relationships based on strong nations conquering weak nations turned into a survival of the fittest which later led to the two world wars.
Third, evolutionism and atheism has been the catalyst of many historical deceptions. Before the birth of evolutionism, religions have always been at the core of human life and their cultures. Philosophy, politics, and religion were closely linked. However, under the influence of the Renaissance and Enlightment, evolutionism gradually replaced the influence of religion. Beginning from the education of students, evolutionism began to infiltrate all aspects of society. Therefore, evolutionism and atheism in various fields, especially the academic community, began to create fraudulent theories and conclusions such as the Big Bang theory, dinosaurs disappearing sixty five million years ago, people having the ability to create life, and so on. And people accept this deception with several reasons: first they have no way to verify the true situations of the ancient people and nature. Second, they like the exaggerated ideas about the great ability of man, because they have religious longing for a longer life. Third, mankind has viewed scientism as their own treasure, while evolutionism and atheism is at the core of scientism, so scientism has been dyed by a religious hue. Since some reasoning and conclusions made by famous scientists cannot be proven, the only thing for people to do is to take them for their words. Those, as mentioned early, are big deceptions.
Fourth, the theory of evolution and atheism is the silent killer of mankind. Since World War II, people talk about when the third world war will take place. Because of large amounts of nuclear weapons, the third world war will hold much more terror. If we understand Biblical truths, we will know that no matter with what kind of weapons it can only kill human body, but it can’t kill the soul and spirit. The life and death of human soul is only relevant to if they accept Jesus as their savior and begin a new life in Him. However, evolutionism and atheism have almost completely controlled the world’s media and education which everyday tell people that they can control the nature and may enjoy their lives today for there is no afterlife beyond their death. Therefore, millions of people have died in this deception, but they don’t view it as a lie but as common sense. And after the believers of evolutionism and atheism die, their souls will then acknowledge the mysteries of the spiritual world. But then it’ll be too late; this is the tragic fate of unspeakable remorse because they have been killed by their own beliefs. Also, the believers of evolutionism and atheism don’t even experience true happiness and peace in their life. All they become depraved in a moral corrupted society controlled by selfish humanism or become the victim of human sins.
In short, the fraud of evolutionism also affects many Christians because there are many of them who are also interested in scientism. So they accept the theory of evolution or compromise their beliefs with evolutionism. Therefore these people cannot completely accept the biblical revelation of God to humans; and their faith is not integrity. So they may be swayed by the world and are unable to love God with all their hearts. Friends, no matter if you believe in God or not, we EMTM invite you to read articles on this website, taking your thinking and seeking for the meaning of life to enlarge your view, so that you may understand the meaning and purpose of your life, and then believe Jesus and obtain eternal salvation while you are alive.
H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The first edition in Chinese was published on August 19, 2009. The edition of translation was published on August 29, 2009.
Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!
Time magazine had a cover article in the issue on October 9, 2006: “What Makes Us Difference (WMUD)?” It showed the latest gene comparative studies for explaining the evolutional relationship between chimps and man. You may check the contents of WMUD on the website of Time.com. I used the study of WMUD to quote a part of the contents and its arguments to analyze a traditional mistake of evolutionists, with an understandable logical analysis for the public. They apply the so-called “scientific formulas and diagrammatic decomposition method” to packaging philosophical conception of religion, because the theory of evolution itself is a religion, no proof but needs human belief to accept. Here, we expect you carefully think about the four questions.
The first question: is there an essential difference between humans vs. chimps and humans vs. other animals? WMUD estimates that chimps and humans share between 98% and 99% of their genetic material. Thus, we may guess that the difference between humans and chimps with their genetic material is less than 10%. Furthermore, if we compare humans with “human faced” animals (such as lions, dogs, cats, and tigers, and so on; they have two eyes, a nose and two ears and one mouth), the difference of their genetic material is no more than 10%. Then, what is the difference between humans and chimps? And what is the difference between chimps and other animals? Truly speaking, the essential difference is that they belong to different species from their very beginning, and animals from different species cannot mate for reproducing their offspring. Here, geneticists encounter a big mystery what they do not know.
However, geneticists and anthropologists with their worldview based on evolution pointed out in the article of WMUD: monkeys can be trained and to imitate human actions, therefore that humans had evolved from the apes and monkeys. If we look at the performances of circus, not only trained monkeys, but also tigers, dogs, horses, bears, elephants and other animals can be trained to participate in circus performances. Speaking of monkeys, because their bodies are physically closer to humans, so they may imitate human actions more naturally. But that does not explain that monkeys are closer to humans than other animals, for in helping people’s lives, horses and cows do a great job, and dogs are human friends and are the most preferred pet for people to choose as their companion. In short, the differences between humans and chimps and between humans and other animals are the same: people are people, animals are animals; and every kind of animals follows their own kind from the very beginning of the animal world. Therefore, there is no evolution from one kind of animals towards another kind of animals.
The second question: since the human genetic structure is similar with that of chimps, why are there differences between human appearance and that of chimps? WMUD said, “Genes alone don’t dictate the differences between species; the changes, they now know, also depend on molecular switches that tell genes when and where to turn on and off.” Next, WMUD described a vivid metaphor: “It’s like having the blueprints for two different brick houses. The bricks are the same, but the results are very different.” Well, readers will understand that these same “bricks” are the genetic material to make the genetic structures of hands, feet, and bodies. And the scholars found that men and chimps are very similar according to this point. But most crucial of all is the secret of molecular switches, because they lie in the non-coding regions of the genome–once known dismissively as junk DNA but also are the subset of the dark matter known comprising some 3% to 4% of the genome. However, scholars fail to step into this forbidden field, because this is the most intelligent design made by the Creator.
By summarizing the function of molecular switches among human and animal genome, it looks like the simple principle of a computer for using circuit switch to carry on the complicated operations and to provide a wide range of processing functions, the molecular switches direct the gene to keep cell growth and metabolism. But sometimes because of the vague reasons, they give the wrong instructions, or cause a limb or organ to stop the growth so as to bring about fetal agenesis; or to lead to excessive growth. For example, they cause a fetus to have six fingers with one hand. The Bible recorded that a giant had six fingers with his each hand and each foot, so he had a total of 24 fingers (2 Samuel 21: 20). The ancient Chinese literature also had such records, a human head with a horn. We do not know if it looks like goat horn or ox horn? If you are interested, you may try to find out. This reminds us of that human bodies may have the phenomenon of differentiation. For example, the Book of Daniel (4:33) in the Bible recorded the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar was punished by God, so he ate grass just as a cow. But when he repented and acknowledged of the glory of God, he was restored with his humanity and monarchy. So that we should believe in God in charge of the secrets of the dark matter of a human body. He made Noah’s descendants adapted to the new environment with the relative changes of their physical conditions after Noah’s flood and during the great changes of the earth and heavens.
The third question: what is the true difference to cause human beings completely different from chimps? In other words, why people have a great difference from animals in terms of living contents and ideological contents, but both have little difference with their genes? Truly to say that many scientists, including biologists, cannot answer and study this kind of super mystery. The answer is from the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis in the Bible, told us that animals and the human body were made from dust. But God gave a special spirit and soul to humans, so that they may manage all animals, insects, and fish on the ground, in the sky, and in the water. Therefore, the mankind has wisdom, thoughts, creativity, emotions, conscience, morality, religions, and hope for the eternity; but chimps and other animals do not have those things. If the most powerful gorillas are given with human soul and spirit, they will form a super football team and bit all Star team of the United States upside-down, and they will be the world’s top champion team. Friends, if you want to understand the mysteries of the spiritual world, please click the article: Prevue Spirit and Soul.
It can be said that the human body is the carrier and the soul and spirit are the subject of life; and when a person has the integrity of spirit, soul, and body, he or she is a person in a whole meaning. In contrast, animals have their souls but do not have the spirit. If you do not believe that human beings have the spirit and soul, you should think about the experience of wolf child. When that child lived with wolves, he got the habits of the wolf, so his moving likes a wolf, his voice likes a wolf, and his emotion likes a wolf. After he returned to the human society, he slowly learned from human life and gradually discarded the habits of the wolf. Thus, we can see that human beings may have their acquired plasticity, which is the mystery associated with human souls. If let a group of wolves take care of a puppy, it will never learn the bark of wolves. We have talked about the king Nebuchadnezzar just as cattle grazing with a beast heart, cohabiting with wild ass (from the Bible, Daniel 5: 21). Here a beast heart means the differentiation of human souls. In addition, there are unclean spirits or known as demons or ghosts in the spiritual world; that strange phenomenon is the most common things among the ancient mysteries. In brief, when we recognize human soul and spirit, and know that the spiritual world controls the current world, we can uncover a series of the ancient mysteries.
The fourth question: how to carry on genetic and biological research? First, we should identify who is the general director of the theory of evolution; He is the true and everlasting God who created all things in the world and the mankind. He used the secret codes of molecular switches to make all kinds of animals looked alike but have an essential distinction, which means that they should follow their own kind to reproduce their offspring. So, it may be said that the theory of evolution came into being and has kept its development under the provision and direction of God, enabling those who regard themselves as wise people to be deceived by their clever. Therefore, we must understand the intelligent design and the purpose of God for creating humans and animals, and we should also totally believe in the Bible truth and then we may carry out the correct biological research.
Secondly, we need to understand the mistakes with time issues what evolutionists made in researching paleontology. WMUD also pointed out that “All of that depends in part on the accuracy of fossil dating and the reliability of using genetic variation as a clock. Guess both methods currently carry big margins of error.” Truly speaking, all of the means of measuring times which are invented on the basis of the theory of evolution are artificial and highly inaccurate, because of the mixed artificial parameters and assumptions; and researchers never know the complicated Nature and the great changes of snafu during the great flood in the time of Noah. Only when we refer to the timetable from the Bible, we can do a correct research on the ancient mysteries. If scholars cling so called unlimited time with the possibility of accidental, please click an article: How to correctly raise questions?
Also, we need to take the studies of DNA research on paleontology and the ancient peoples in order to detect some changes caused by human and animal genes during the great changes; and the best way is to dig out frozen human bodies and animal corpses in some frozen regions. People have excavated in Siberia and got a frozen mammoth; could they find out dinosaurs and the ancient people in that area? Of course, we may find astonishing new archaeological discoveries in froze zones of many parts of the world, such as Kunlun Mountains in China, frozen swamp areas within the Arctic Circle, and so on.
Finally, when we study the Neanderthals, we should think about the physical changes of human beings during and after the great flood of Noah. Maybe the Neanderthals were the mankind before Noah’s flood, they lived four or five thousand years ago and they had some physical features such as huge body, thick skull, big forehead and concave eye pit. Since the fossils of the Neanderthals were found in Europe, they also maybe were offspring from Shem, the son of Noah, because their faces look similar with some contemporary European nationalities.
In general, we take a dialogue with the mainstream media for you to hear different voices and to have your scope broaden, and so that you may join in our great discussion for exploring mysteries, pursuing the absolute truth of life, and then receiving the eternal life from the Lord Jesus.
H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The second edition in Chinese was published on July 28, 2007. The edition of translation was published on July 28, 2007.
Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!
Today when we read the Christian books, magazines and websites, we will see some Christian scholars expressed their interpretations of the book of Genesis in the Bible, but they often have some concepts of the theory of evolution in their integrations; for instance, how many million years of Earth’s age and the long history of mankind, and biological genetics and radioactive dating, and so on. Their views and purpose are to tone God’s power of creation in with evolutionism and various scientific theories so as to avoid the contradictions between them. In fact, they depart from the stance of the biblical truth and cater for secular viewpoints; just as some Christians and clergy agree with homosexuality which is disobeying to God’s teachings. Therefore, we hope Christian scholars should firstly think about the following three questions before they make their statements.
The first question is: Are you a born again Christian and have the salvation? If you are not but a religious believer, you only regard the truth of the Bible as a religious belief and a philosophy of life, for you have not renewed your life in Jesus the Lord. So your worldview still belong to the traditions, and you do not fear God and His almighty for creation; and as a result, they use worldly thinking to explain the Bible in order to meet the worldly people according to their own taste for understanding (in fact, it is misinterpreting) God’s teachings. Thus, their opinions cause people to pursue a religious belief instead of a faith in Jesus; therefore, many believers have no the light and salt of the Lord Jesus in their lives, and churches and congregations are lifeless and barren. Here, we invite you to the column of “New life in the Lord”, to pursue the truth and the life given by the Lord Jesus.
The second question is: Do you really believe in God’s almighty and creation? In the four books of Gospel, the Bible recorded the Lord Jesus used five loaves and two fish to feed five thousand men; where came from so many fish and loaves? Please think of the process: people want to eat loaves, they must make dough with flour which is from wheat or barley; those crops should be planted in cultivated land a year ago. But Lord Jesus made such a thing in a very short span of time rather than the needed a long period. This is the miraculous creation of God. Do you believe that? We often say that God created everything from nothing; but in fact, His creation is from something, because our eyes cannot see that “something”, of course we cannot truly understand the mysteries of God’s creation. With this reason, people have their own tiny smart to try to explain the ancient mysteries that they know nothing about; and they want to make a sound reasoning for their explanation, which resulted in their wrong perspectives upon the outcome and significance of the creation of God. Therefore, we explore God’s creation and the ancient mysteries only based on the Bible. For instance, God’s creation in six days, that time is the six days in realistically meaning, not six stages or six long periods. And when we induce and analyze the mysteries of God’s creation and His remaking the nature, we mainly explore the cause and effect associated with the ancient mysteries, and then people may know the true contents of the human history and their relations with God, and thereupon they can abandon evolutionism, atheism, and the wrong views of scientism, and then they will believe in Jesus the Lord and get the eternal new life.
The third question is: Do you have known about the great changes of the mankind and the nature during the great flood of Noah? This section of the history is the contents of the first 11 chapters of Genesis and most of Christians feel difficult to understand that part of the Bible. Therefore, if you do not understand those scriptures, you should admit what you do not understand and join hands with us to explore the ancient mysteries in that age. When we place the contents of the Bible into the human society and the nature of that time, to sum up and to analyze them in omnibearing view in order to put together all of clues, and then we may see and understand the mysteries recorded in the Bible and its authenticity in history, which will enable us to deepen our understanding and confidence in God. Friends, we expect that the website of livinginjesus.org can help you to enlarge your vision, and you may abandon the traditional wrong view, get the true wisdom from God, renew your life in the Lord Jesus, and bear good fruits of the abundant life to the glory of God.
H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The first edition in Chinese was published on June 26, 2007. The edition of translation was published on September 22, 2007.
Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!
There are different views and opinions in the field of studying creationism, and two measures may tell those differences. First, God created the nature and the heavens in six days, how long each day is? The second, from Adam to today, how long the human history is?
Viewpoint One: each day of those six days for God’s creation is not the time length of a day, it may be a long time; just as one verse from the Bible: with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day. And the human history is relatively long, ten thousand years or more than one hundred thousand years. Those who hold such views are evolutionists and use the views of the theory of evolution to explain God’s creation; some of them proclaim “Thiestic Evolutionism”, or expressing the viewpoints of “Progressive Creationism”. Those who advocate “Thiestic Evolutionism” though recognize the historic feature of the Bible, but they interpret Genesis with their regarding the scripture as metaphor, and think that Genesis with the literary genre expressed human responsibility and rebelling to God; and so it is not historical narratives. They also believe that God used the method of synthetic theory of evolution to create humans, and then used a supernatural way to create human souls; thus, they believe there is no conflict between Genesis and the theory of evolution. Those who hold “Progressive Creationism” are more conservative than those who believe in “Thiestic Evolutionism”, and they do not accept the full aspects of the synthetic theory of evolution. However, they do not totally depend on the Bible, but are willing to use the new discovery of science as a source of reference and believe that the geological age of the earth is a long time, in order to explain Genesis. So, they think that after God created the biological ancestors, they had experienced the process of a limited microevolution, and then they became the current species. Therefore, they advocate “Day-Age” and believe that it has no conflict with meanings of the scripture in the first chapter of Genesis. They think that “Progressive Creationism” is the theory which may maintain the integrity of the Bible and have no conflict with the scientific discovery at the same time.
Comment: the contents of Genesis of the Bible are true history and are not literary output, and even cannot be explained with human science. These are marvelous mysteries beyond human rational thinking. If we use the theory of evolution and the scientific perspective on God’s power and creation, the result is irrelevant. But their explanations sound reasonable for those who do not know the truth, yet they are wrong. Therefore, we use the website of exposingmysteries.org to help the public understand the mistakes of evolutionism and scientism.
Viewpoint Two: each day of those six days for God’s creation is the length just for one day, but the human history is more than dozens of thousand years. Those who hold such a view are also under the influence of the theory of evolutionism and scientism; because evolutionists consider a very long history of the mankind. When they study the genealogy recorded in Bible, they bring up the different views to support their interpretation of Genesis with a scientific theory, for they still want to prove God’s mighty creation from the angle of human science.
Comment: People who hold this viewpoint pay more attention to the revelation of the Bible, but when they study the history from the context of the Bible, they do not use the inductive method for omnibearing studies, not even study the ancient mysteries from the angle of the marvelous changes of the human history and the nature during the times of Noah deluge. However, they use scientific methods to criticize the opinions of the evolutionism relating to the interpretation of the geological and biological evolution. This helps people to know the mistakes of evolutionism, but they do not criticize the mistakes of scientism; and that is exactly what they have their weaknesses, which may lead believers to recognize the scientific views and scientism (Big Bang theory, for example) and to doubt the inerrant Word of God.
Viewpoint Three: each day of those six days for God’s creation is the length just for one day, and the human history is about 6,000 years. Those who have such a view are called as Fiat Creationists. They oppose to evolutionism and describe God’s powerful creation in full accordance with the original intention of the Bible. But they do not use the scientific and experimental ways to explain the contents of creation and Noah flood recorded in Genesis.
Comment: we fully support this view. However, we are not passively resist evolutionism and the controversy of scientism, but we take the initiative attack to them, particularly in the fields of the ancient mysteries, and collect relative clues for the great changes of the nature during the great flood of Noah’s time and also gather the legends and literature left by ancient people who experienced those great changes, so that we may prove that the human history which were recorded in the Holy Bible are really true and accuracy. Then we can destroy evolutionism, extraterrestrialism, and scientism, and so we can help those who like to pursue the truth of life to get a real ideological liberation and they can seek for the truth from Jesus our Lord and the eternal life.
Reference: 《Scientific Creationism》 Christian Renewal Ministries (Brunswick, NJ, USA), 1979. 《Evolution: Nature and Scripture in Conflict? 》 Christian Renewal Ministries, 1984.
H. Moses wrote this article. The first edition in Chinese was published on June 28, 2007. The edition of translation was published on October 4, 2007.
Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!
During 1990s of the 20th century, the United States issued an Airmail stamp and there were such words: “The first Americans crossed over from Asia.” Therefore, people consider that the American Indians were from Asia across the Bering Strait and moved from North America to the South American continent. Thus, the Chinese and the Indians are distant relatives with blood relationships. When we look at a map: Tibet in the western part of China and Inca in the Andes of South America, can we assume that the Tibetan people and the Incans have the same origins in history?
After Noah’s great flood, Noah’s three sons and their descendants moved to Europe, Asia and Africa, and then they formed many nationalities with the expansions of families and migration based on the split-up of families. In that process, the earth had undergone a number of major floods and splitting of the five continents (which by some scholars have called the separation of continental plates), which also had the human tribes and the many animal and plants being distributed to the most parts of the world, and they left us many ancient mysteries. Among them, it is including many suspects how the Indians migrated from Asia to America.
One tribe of the Indians lives on the high mountains in South America, and they are called as the Inca people. The physical
feature of their lung functions is unique and they do survival in the rarefied oxygen plateau. And in the Tibetan plateau, people also have the same feature of their lungs and they can adapt themselves to the rarefied oxygen of the natural environment. This has caused us to make a peculiar imagination: were the Tibetans and Incans from the same family in the ancient time? Here, we would like to remind readers to notice: This essay is not the conclusions of the studies, but the question and guess for a hope that our crude remarks may draw forth by abler people, so that many scholars will be able to participate in this kind of research.
First, we should compare the two peoples in appearances and birthmarks with genetic research, as well as the similarity and difference between their physical and physiological characteristics. Here, we give you several photos of Tibetans and Incans, please look at who is Tibetans, who is Incans?
Second, we should study their languages and pronunciations in order to see if the two nationalities have the same origin or not.
Third, we should research the primitive religions before Buddhism came to Tibet and to compare with the Incan sun god and their primitive religion, to explore the religious relationship between the two nationalities.
Fourth, we should analyze their lifestyles, clothes, food, wedding ceremony, interpersonal relationships, application of their lunar calendars, and the traditional medicine and herbal medicine, and then people may find relations between these two nationalities.
Related Thought: Before the split of mainland, the five continents are the united huge continent. During the splitting, the Indian subcontinent was smashed into the Tibetan plateau. Was one part of mainland separated from Tibet Plateau and moved into the continent of South America or not? This is like a fairy tale, but you can analyze it with using the ancient information, see if it is possible or not. In addition, there are more marvelous assumptions: the ancient Indian and Tibetan worshiped god of birds (footnote 1) that were Large Birds or Flying Dragons. Those were not the “aircraft” or “spacecraft” for their migration from one place to another one?
The subjects for anthropologists: to apply genes and genetics, human physiology and medicine, national linguistics, geography and geology, the studies of world religions, and many of the relevant disciplines all together to do comprehensive study to see whether we can discover more clues and materials. Of course, we should get inspiration and wisdom from the Bible, so we may add the finishing touch on our exploration and research.
Footnote for Research and Discussion:
(1) 《Fingerprints of The Gods》, translated in Chinese. Beijing: Nationalities Publishing House, 1999; vol. I, pp. 139-148, and picture 33.
H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The second edition in Chinese was published on February 28, 2007. The edition of translation was published on August 18, 2007.
Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!
Today both the scientific community and the religious group recognize the Big Bang theory, but they have different starting points. The first group seeks to find an explanation for the beginning of the natural world that has nothing to do with a divine being; the latter group seizes the fact that the Big Bang needed a cause of beginning. This explains that the first cause was God’s creation, but scientists who are atheists claim that such a Big Bang will be carried out continuously in cycles.
This means that after this universe goes into decline, another one will be born and the rebirth cycle goes on endlessly. We can say that ordinary people do not care much about this theory because this has no any affect in their daily life; however no matter what kind of explosion, they do not care for listening. Many forks and seekers have been deceived by this science-based myth. Plainly said, the Big Bang theory is a masterpiece of human pride and prejudice, it’s also the science community’s Emperor’s New Clothes, because it was concocted by well known authors through math, physics, and chemistry formulas. In fact, we can prove the theory as absurd through common sense and understanding of logical reasoning, it does not even require us to use the packaging of the theoretical science.
Here we use the common sense of the explosion to test the so-called Big Bang theory. An explosion must have energy detonating devices to go through the process and achieve results during a certain time of the explosion. First, let us ask where the Big Bang theory amassed its energy? Of course, the scientific community gives a very abstract explanation—the energy is compressed into to a very small volume of super-ability Big Bang. But they never say how it is generated. It is known today in manufacturing explosive devices that they need a visible and tangible material as the catalyst of the explosion. What is this material in the Big Bang and where did it come from? Second, let us ask what is the device that sets off the Big Bang? In other words, what caused the explosion of Big Bang? Monotheists assert that this is the work of God. The opposing scientists can not come up with an answer to rebuff this idea or they say that a previous explosion set off the Big Bang. From this we can reason that even if there was millions of billions of Big Bangs, there should be the initial Big Bang; what set off the first Big Bang? If we say that the universal Big Bang is a chain-cycle, is it on its own everlasting without a beginning? Or did it suddenly appear? If we say that it is a never ending cycle then it is a merciless attack on evolution because if it does not have a beginning or end then there is no need for evolution. Please note that when we ponder a cycle without a beginning or end, our own brains feel like having an explosion, because this is far beyond our imagination and thinking. If the universe had its own everlasting forces, all things would be subject to the power and influence as well, including humans. But the Bible tells us otherwise. It states that the everlasting power belongs to the Lord God; the meaning of His Name is everlasting God who came from Himself and controls everything forever.
Next let us look at the process of explosion, which is generating highly explosive material around the speed of proliferation. But in the physical material and under the influence of air resistance it would gradually slow down. There is a rule in the process of slowing down of explosion, so that you can use physics to calculate it and know that after slowing down the explosion cannot speed up again and so on. The spread of the explosion is proportional to the energy. What is the result of the explosion? It should be only destruction of the existing natural landscape and order. Because in the history of mankind, we never see crops and vegetation spring up after being shelled by artillery and bombs, nor do we see beautiful residential buildings emerge from the smoke of an atomic bomb. In contrast, bombs and explosions can destroy beautiful cities; likewise the Big Bang would not bring such a regular system of creation of the solar system and the Earth for human survival. There are so many laws of the nature that prove that the Big Bang is absurd. It is the fabricated myth of science made in the religion of scientism. If you do not believe so, we invite you to explore the article: Evolutionists and atheists can not answer a simple question.
Now we should wonder why the scientific myth that can’t stand up to logical scrutiny makes a big impact just like a great explosion. First, scientists use the abstract science to make many theories in the field where the mankind cannot get practical testifying; for example, the scientists who explore the vastness of the universe and astrophysics are unable to carry on the confirmed history of paleontology and ancient geology. Therefore the scientists who want to start something unorthodox set foot into the field where human beings never have a chance to do a test. Second, the media is hostile to ideas of a divine being. They do their best to promote the theories of evolutionism, atheism, humanism, and scientism. The core of these four theories is human pride and prejudice. The result of these teachings is the unlimited development of humans with impunity and crime. The world media affects the people’s minds and views of the world. So unknowingly, they have become blind followers of the theories. Third, the academic circles and the scientific community have developed a joint training of students. They teach the man-made theory of evolution and atheism and science to naïve students. This way, when students see respected scientists and hear of the Big Bang theory, they do not delve deeper to question the theory but unconsciously accept the theory. So they cannot wake up from the falsehoods by themselves.
Fourth, some scholars use scientific terms or equipment and artificial laboratory settings to present a theory that they cannot testify it in a real life. Big Bang scholars used the red-shift effect to illustrate that is the result of Big Bang. They say that the universe exploded billions of years ago. Why is the explosion still going on and spreading if the explosion is that old? This could just be the imagination of scientists. Another point of view is the human’s first atomic bomb. Is the process of explosion still going on? Indeed the titles of scientists and scientific terms may pack philosophical conclusion and religious belief into a theory of novelty and it is easy for the media to propagandize it. The majority of society welcomes the new theory. Therefore, modern science floods the world without constraint. Science lovers raise their heads to the theory, but average people just regard this as just more news to listen to.
Today, the Big Bang researchers spend huge amounts of human and financial resources to explore the dark matter of the universe and other substances that are not tangible but relating to visible matters of the world. However they have not found it and will never find it in the future. The Bible tells us that this is the spiritual world that opposes the physical world and embraces the entire universe and makes everything else function. Please browse our website to read the article: prevue spirit and soul, so that you may understand its mysteries. But many Christians do not fully believe in the soul and the spiritual world, they believe in scientific myths and limit the almighty of God’s creation to the scientific explanation.
If we carefully study the first eleven chapters of Genesis, especially the great changes before and after the great flood of Noah, we may see that the universe was not the same before and after the flood of Noah. Prior to the flood, high-altitude water moisture covered the entire Earth. The solar system today cannot bring enough heat or light transmission to the surface of the Earth. Therefore, before Noah’s flood, the planets surrounding earth gave much more light and were much closer to the earth .In other words, after Noah flood, the celestial bodies had changed a lot and moved far away from the earth (proliferation). If you carefully read the Old Testament of the Bible, you will see that God had caused multiple changes in the universe. Therefore, the ancient mankind (2000 to 5000 years ago) had regarded those who observed celestial phenomena and were sorcerers as national elite.
Finally, let us look at the explosion from a professional viewpoint of operatives. Today, explosions are associated with terrorism. After an explosion, police would arrive at the scene and carefully look at all the evidence to properly expose the truth. Now we have to go through historical practices and reality tests to see the so-called truths about the Big Bang. In real practice, we can see that the stars in the universe are still changing, but not the so-called “red-shift.” The naked eye can see meteors falling onto Earth’s atmosphere, why? Scientists have come up with the theory of gravity for explanation. But how did the Big Bang create gravity? We believe that scientists always try to find reasons to explain why and put them on paper, but they cannot be testified by a real practice. Let us look at the historical practice. We may use the myth of Hou Yi shooting down nine suns to challenge the myth of the Big Bang. Former myth expresses an inconceivable story on the great changes and the nature and the universe, it can be used to rebuff the fantasy of the Big Bang theory. In fact, the ancient myths are closer to the truth than the Big Bang. Friends, if you wish to explore the mysteries of the universe, please browse some thought provoking articles in the website of Mysteries.
H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The second edition in Chinese was published on February 15, 2009. The edition of translation was published on July 28, 2009.
Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!