Below, a piece of sculptures expresses the human pride and paranoia, and this also shows the basic attitude with which atheists and evolutionists proclaim their opinions. However, when we think about and discuss the following topic, the complicated theory and associated questions created by atheism and evolutionism will become very simple, so people who have a basic logical thinking can understand that the world did not come from evolution, but it was created by an everlasting God. Here the meaning of a simple question indicates that people who have no educational degrees but can tell Moon is a rounded sphere, and salt is salty, and sugar is sweet, are able to participate in the discussion of the following topic. Through the discussions, we need to understand the relation between order and chaos is not artificial, and it cannot be changed by human consciousness, but it is the objective and truthful relation.



takearthFirst, behold, the universe and the solar system were not generated by a great explosion; because the explosion can only cause chaos, and it is unable to form an order of the natural environment. If you do not believe that, you may try a test: make a great explosion in a forest, see if it produces a beautiful park or residential community or a block for business. The answer only is: the explosion just destroyed original order and natural form. Maybe someone says, look at how vast the universe is and there are numerous planets keeping changes, and there are some meteors crashing down, which seem to be the performance of disorder. But this kind of thing is the performance in a normal order system; such as a typhoon on Earth, although its performance often goes beyond human anticipation, but it has never exceeded and destroyed the natural and ecological order of the earth.

Second, the Earth is the only planet with life, and therefore it has a general system of order and sub-orders to safeguard the lives on the earth. Now the mankind has found many laws of nature and summed them up, which are the human understanding and knowledge upon this system of order. If this system is damaged, the lives and human beings on the Earth will be destroyed. Fortunately, the mankind today has no ability to damage the system of order. But inside this system, they kill animals, destroy plants and trees, and fire with each other; however this kind of destruction works on a single life system (a human body). It is worth mentioning here, people speculate that a small planet had crashed onto the earth in a long time ago, therefore many ancient animal, say dinosaurs, were extinguished (on the study of dinosaurs, please read Dinosaurs Introduction). But did you ever wonder, the result of such a devastated collision may make the Earth’s orbit to deviate, and a little bit of the deviation will be a certain damage or total destruction of the Earth’s ecosystems, and maybe it will become the second Mars. As a result, how did life and human beings came into being again? Let us think about the relations between the earth and moon as well as satellites. Because people understand and master the natural laws, they can send satellites to space, and they can maintain satellites on their orbits by means of their power systems; otherwise, satellites will fall onto the earth. Well, where is the power system of moon? Why did moon not fall onto the earth, or why did moon not deviate from its orbit? You may think about this mystery from the relation between Earth and Moon. The answer is that there is a higher superpower of orders and He controls everything.

Third, the human society from the beginning of the family order and tribal order developed into the order of nations, and during that process, they need to have traditional attitudes and mandatory help. If we abolish the courts, prisons, and other institutes of law enforcement, what kind of results will come into the human society? Do you like to live in a super zoo for the weak falling victim to the strong?

Fourth, the current transport needs its order. If the elimination of all traffic signals and signs, and no one directs traffic system, people can drive cars and walk in an orderly manner? The result is that traffic accidents occur on a large scale, and people cannot find help. Let us see another example of a large airport that stopped operations command system, how the airplanes will be ups and downs? Who dare to drive or are on board an airplane going through such an airport?

Fifth, the modern life is inseparable from the order. If the power and water are stopped, and no one takes care of rubbish, how do people live?

Sixth, the human body also has a complex order; if not care, they will fall ill. If the fever is several degree high than the temperature of a human body, people will die. If the human body is attacked by a lethal weapon, his or her internal life system will be hurt with a fatal result or serious damage. Therefore, he or she needs immediately treatments; otherwise, the physical life will be end.

Seventh, the hearts and souls of people also have orderly things. Everyone likes peace, and no one likes to live in day with fear and worry. If people have a problem of their souls and hearts, for instance, a mental patient, people do not see this kind of patients as normal people; because he or she has lost the spirit of normal order which is rational thinking and the ability to control behavior. And even the courts cannot charge the patient according to his or her making some damages. To further expand our thinking, why do people hate stink and love fragrance? Why do people like beauty and pursue it? Why do people love to enjoy the beautiful music? All of them relates to the order of the human soul.

In short, we can find many orders and the relations among them from the studies of the nature and all fields of the mankind, and we may get a better understanding upon the wonderful world created by God. Then we are sure that these orders did not naturally come from chaos, but they were originally created by God and He gave human being the ability to know some of those orders and to apply them, and also enable people to create and maintain the order of human society.

Challenging task: If you do not believe the truthful relation between order and chaos stated by H. Moses Sun, please find out any kind of evidence from the nature and the mankind to indicate that orders can spontaneously formed from chaos without any influence from external forces and external factors.

Evolutionists often said: “competition with natural selection and survival of the fittest.” In fact, this statement of “natural selection” and “fittest” tells us that human beings indirectly did their tacit recognition to the orders and the changes of orders or some eternal force in history, to which they did not know with their ignorance. For example, Noah’s flood impacted on the order of the Earth’s natural ecology and brought new changes; and then those huge animals who did not suit the new order disappeared, and those survived, including human beings and animals, had to adapt to the change and new order in the course of their own physical system had some changes in compatible with the new order.

However, when Evolutionists can not answer all those challenging topics above, but they are still unwilling to recognize the truthful relation between order and chaos explained by H. Moses Sun, what to do next? It can be said that there is no way. Just like the sculptures above, it reflects the pride of Evolutionists and the paranoia of their ignorance. If they say that the moon is the triangle and the salt is sweet, we cannot change their stubborn ideas. Some atheists see the shortcomings of the theory of evolution, but they dislike admitting the presence of God. And they speculate there is a presence of external forces for domination. Then they should continue their speculation with logic thinking: since this force can create and dominate the human beings who have emotion and wisdom, He is not an abstract force without emotions, but He is the dominator with more emotions, wisdom, and power. Fortunately, our ancients already knew Him, and used their own words to call Him as God. The Bible tells us God’s name with two meanings: everlasting and savior.

H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The second edition in Chinese was published on March 20, 2008. The edition of translation was published on March 26, 2008.

Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!


Friend, while we carry on the great discussion at the site of Exposing Mysteries, we should firstly bring up questions in accordance with logical thinking; and then we may develop our research and discussion, instead of stopping in a dead end or walking in a circle at one place. The photo in left side has its own problem, can animal read human books? If they do not understand but raise wrong questions or deny logical thinking, it may be a question to make people both funny and annoy. Here, let us analyze questions in problem or arguments in contradiction from four aspects, and then we may sum up some matters need attention for raising questions.

Can God create a huge rock that He cannot move with? In fact, those who have such an opinion just make God being personified in their thinking and use human ability and imagination to limit God’s almighty, so that they may enable others to believe that God in the Bible has His insufficiency in power. However, their view is in inherent contradictory and leads people to enter a dead end; because if God created a rock He cannot move, He is not God. Furthermore, they have a wrong view towards God’s creation and control with His almighty and they never know the creation of God is totally different from human creation; because human beings use visible things to create others thing without life, but God uses invisible mysteries of the spiritual world to create life and universe with its laws as well as all things.

There is another point of view: If God created man, who created God? This is a manner of flannelling, and people always repeat questions in a circle without conclusions. When we observe the nature and life and human society, we will know that there are times of beginning and ending for this visible material world. Thinking of universe and all things, there are also times of beginning, and there must be one Creator outside universe and times. As long as we use the method of analyzing the relations between orders and chaos, we can know how wonderful the orders of the nature are, and they must be created and controlled by a mighty God. Talking about the spiritual world without human concept of time, there must be a mighty Creator who started the initial existence and develop other existences in consequence. Truly to say, universe with all things and the spiritual world could not come into being without causal relations of the first existence.

Since God is spirit, how did the spiritual world emerge? In studying the Bible, we may find some questions without answers in the Bible. In fact, we as flesh beings cannot understand or do not need to understand those questions, because God gave us the way, the truth, and the life for leading us to have wonderful life relationships with Him. Therefore, so long as we believe in Jesus and make our repentance, we can get the rebirth and the new life in the Lord with the help of the Bible truth and the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul said, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12) If we carefully read Paul’s letters, we may know that God gave Paul the inspiration that ordinary people cannot get, but he still recognized that he had the limited knowledge, and believed he could know fully when he would meet Jesus. Therefore, it is not necessary for us now to waste our minds and energy to discuss some mysteries of the Kingdom of God which could not be understand, but we should seek the truth and the life of our Lord Jesus, and explore the ancient mysteries happened on earth.

When we discuss the biological evolution with evolutionists, they often show up their argument: all things are possible if there are enough times. The enough times do not mean 20 billion years, and thousands of billions of years are not enough, so it mean the infinite quantity of time. Truly to say, those who have such an idea use this excuse purposely to escape from the reality of the problem. Here, let us look at a hypothetical example, if a very simple biological or chemical experiment needs two years to complete, who is willing to do this experiment?

Therefore, when we raise questions, firstly we should understand the logical analysis relating to a question and its target. For example, when we explore the origins of the mankind and the nature and the spiritual world, we must use specific logic thinking to ask questions. If we use the method of seeing facts and believing them with our eyes, it is impossible for us to explore the mystery. Secondly, if we do not understand the contents for discussion, we should not express our views in such a hurry way, but have a humble heart to learn and to think so as to find out the wrong perspective from our methods of thinking. Further, we will continue enlarging our range of vision and increasing the correct knowledge, while at the same time we discard misconception and false knowledge. Moreover, when we consider the arguments about theism and atheism, we must firstly put the concepts of theism and atheism aside and stand on a neutral stance for exploring mysteries. Finally, we should also recognize the limited capacity of human understanding, because we have many difficult subjects we cannot understand and research by looking at the mysteries of the nature and the ancient times. But when we stop flannelling in a moonshiny argument and explore those mysteries through historical practice and current practice, and are willing to accept the challenge from the mysteries for renewing our worldviews and methods of thinking, then we can find the correct way towards the true wisdom and the absolute truth.

H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The third edition in Chinese was published on June 17, 2006. The edition of translation was published on February 17, 2007.

Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!


Today when we study ancient literature and mythology, merely regard those contents what we fail to understand as superstitious fabricated ones, or as talking about bizarre fantasy-style story. But we do not rethink why we ourselves cannot understand the contents of ancient written records, such as《The Book of Seas and Mountains》from the ancient Chinese. Therefore, we should use the studies on the ancient times as a tool to research why and how the ancient peoples composed those myths which seems like a Double Dutch to the modern people. Here, we propose a new concept: “Mythological Psychology” and we expect those who are interested in this field to participate in the discussion.

To directly access the main theme, we give you two points: the first one is that today people in their environment that is completely different from the ancient time accused of the ancient people with their literature and mythology of “contradictory and wrong.” And this criticism is really wrong. It just like someone comments somebody: why your great grandpa seven generations ago did not look like you. This comment is a reversal of the historical sequence and its comparisons are baseless accusations. Throughout human history, we know that in 4000 years ago, the nature and the ancient people experienced “snafu” changes. As a result, the ancient people left us marvelous legends of that magical era, but we sought to measure the ancient literature with the current situation of our lives and then we feel contradictions and fail to understand it, and boast ourselves in the absence of the ancient people.

The second point: by knowing the perspective of psychology, it is absolutely impossible for people to write something which had never existed. Since the ancient myths included marvelous episodes of the nature in that time, we do not recognize the facts that there must be a historical basis. If say that the ancient people created their legends from nothing, how they make a myth? This question is to explore the psychological state of the ancient people who created myths. If we study the various modern writers, their creative material and content are fabricated? On the legend of the dragon and phoenix made by the ancient Chinese, because today we can no longer see such strange animals, we just like, with an attitude of inconceivable, to deny such legends, myths, and their objective materials.

But, do scholars think of that the ancient people, in what kind of the psychological state and with how great the wisdom, created myths for which the modern wise people feel inexplicability? If we do a psychological research on human perceptual knowledge and rational thinking towards objective things, we will find out that human beings cannot create knowledge, legends, myth, and various works about the nature with their materials which have no root in the nature. Because their expressions from thinking base on using and managing their own seeing, hearing, reading, and all records in their brains, and their dreams are the presentation of getting mixed up the information in their brains. Moreover, we also note that the degree of psychological boost memory and the extent of direct ratio, that is to say people are unable to forget things and persons who hurt them so much. It would appear that the ancients did not emphasize the myth about a kingdom of ants, but talked about horrifying monster: dragon and phoenix, and left their drawings for their offspring. Later on the next generations did recreation based on the tales from their ancestors, with their own imagination to exaggerate and to color the myths, so that the Chinese emperors and their concubines played in their palace with the decoration of the dragon and phoenix.

If people do not agree with this analysis and believe that the records on the nature and the human beings made by our ancestors are fabricated, then the ancients has become extremely gifted, and we end up with a complete foolish; because we do not have the wisdom to create something beyond the existence of the nature. Someone may say that modern people have their imagination from nothing. Well, how they use their imagination? Today people play their imagination and creativity not only at the computer field, but also at the world of animated cartoon. From the animal kingdoms to Star Wars, from a real life to the evil and ghost, from the ancient dinosaur to super man, painters arbitrarily display their achievements from their imagination in such unlimited creative space. However the strange mix of human imagination is still not beyond all the fields of human knowledge. In other words, people’s imagination and creativity can not be fabricated, but they use old concepts or knowledge to make a combination for new versions or inventions. Although animated cartoons make people surprised by the strange animals and omnipotent figures and absurd circumstances, but if we look at the dinosaur specimens, and then read Homer to which the western people are familiar, and other ancient literature, including the Bible, will suddenly realize that accounts for the milk in the coconut!

If someone still wants to prove that people have fabricated creativity, then we would like to give a task to him or her: design and painted an extraterrestrial alien who is more beautiful than human being. The condition is that the extraterrestrial alien should be different from our appearance and image, but like human, are organic compounds and entities, rather than man made robots; because it is the basic condition of a biological being of wisdom. However, the human creation of extraterrestrial aliens are shameful objects, somehow look similar to human beings. This means that people are still using the Earth’s biological concepts such as eyes, head, hands, feet, etc. to create the extraterrestrial alien with a personified design.

Here we must note that people actually use their imagination and creativity to think and to bring together past and present knowledge, and apply different combinations of knowledge to create new products. For example, automobile inventions: its body is from the accumulation of experience of old and modern carriages. Car steering is similar with steering pitman arm of sailing and steam ships; and we also may think from the relations between the steering and a grinding pan or a simple hoist above a well in the ancient time. The car engine is a small system of a steam ship, and the man who did invention of the steam engine got his inspiration from the boiling water in a pot. Also its transmission has a basically principle from train and steam ship, and we can get this knowledge from the ancient water mill or the structures of the ancient clock.

Look at the computer inventions: the design of typewriter and keyboard is basically same, and typewriter may be inspired by typography and printing. The operating principle of electronic devices in computers is brought from TV and radio, and there is a close relationship between radio and telephone. Computers, television sets, and radios need power, electric and magnetic fields, we can find them in the nature. Those who love adventure and knowledge did research on lightning capacity.

We used the example of cars and computers to deliver an explanation that today people make inventions from the accumulation of knowledge and experience through many generations, rather than a kind of creation based on nothing. Meanwhile, we should also note that creating the nature and the living things from nothing is out of the human ability. And the human creation from the accumulation of knowledge and from association of ideas is limited in the field of non-living things in human society. Thus, regardless of how beautiful artificial flowers are, they are a kind of imitation without life. And the use of human genetic results, just like the grafting of fruit trees, is to apply of organic rather than creation. We must therefore explore the external reasons of myths.

The generation of myths and the human ancient mysteries are associated with the marvelous changes of the nature four thousand years ago. The deluge and the follow floods caused the change of the earth and the human history, and we can find those records not only directly from the Bible but also indirectly from the ancient Chinese literature. Please use your imagination: people had what kind of psychological impact when they experienced that catastrophe. When people faced earth suddenly becoming very hot or quiet cold, or when people escaped for their lives from the great floods, or to see the great changes of celestial stars, what kind of response would come from their hearts and worldviews? This is truly the soul stirring with which the ancient people had in 4,000 years ago. Believe or not, the rise of the Tibetan plateau did not take place in a few dozens of million years or several hundred million years ago, but did in 4000 years ago! The Chinese myth “Pangu opened heaven and earth” and the myths about the beginning of the nature and human beings from the ancient peoples around that area are the transformed reflection towards so incredible changes. That made them think of the God of their ancestors and they also began to increase their awestruck feelings with the nature. Therefore, worshiping Heaven of the ancient Chinese combined God and the nature abstractly together, and they used the punishment from Heaven and Earth as warning to strengthen the deterrence of social and traditional norms.

At that time, the changes of the nature caused a series of major changes accordingly. God used changes in the celestial galaxy to regulate the changes in temperature, drought and flood, and gravitation of the earth. After Noah’s great flood, the human beings began to watch celestial phenomena for making a lunar calendar and the schedule for agriculture; and the ancient Chinese got great achievements in that field and offered wonderful literature and materials for the mankind. Thus, the Chinese myths recorded the great changes of the nature and celestial space; for example, the legends of “Ten suns came out together” and “Houyi shot down nine suns”. Therefore we can analyze this ancient literature to help us understand the wonderful ancient celestial phenomena, which displayed the celestial background for our exposing the mysteries of the nature and human history during that time.

Here, let us briefly analyze the fantastic links between “Ten suns came out together” and “Houyi shot down nine suns”. Genesis in the Bible tells us that before Noah’s great flood, the upper water what existed above the Earth’s atmosphere may be in a certain height and have a certain thick “Water Film” of covering the earth, providing the ancients with a best environment for their longevity. However, during the time when the deluge occurred, the sky water poured down onto the ground drowned the entire planet. Here we must note that when the “Water Film” existed, the one sun can not be a sufficient brightness and heat for penetrating the “Water Film” and reaching to the ground. Thus, “a group of suns” may meet the survival needs of human existence. But, after that flood, the huge energy of “a group of suns” was beyond the needs of people and the nature and may burn all things on the earth. So God used vapor to make a composition of thick clouds to cover the earth for a while. Then the ancient people saw ten suns appeared together above the clouds, when the clouds gradually became thinner somehow. After that period, God moved nine suns away and left only one sun. But the ancients did not understand why such changes, so they made a story including the mystery and passed it to next generation. And the story figure Houyi may be a legendary hero at that time, which enabled people to have the worship of human beings for facing the challenges from the nature. Therefore, the ancient people composed profound myths and we feel so difficult to understand them. Say, without the revelation from the Bible, we can never discover the ancient mysteries which hidden among myths.

Goddess of Sky-patching has what kind of relations with the deluge?

The myth of “Pangu opened heaven and earth” reflected what kind of the ancient mystery?

《The Book of Seas and Mountains》recorded which part of human history?

H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The second edition in Chinese was published on September 15, 2006. The edition of translation was published on September 15, 2006.

Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!


We know that most of nations, nationalities, and tribes have the written words or pronunciations of spirit and soul. If someone says that there is no the existence of spirit and soul, why have the words of spirit and soul existed? And the words of spirit and soul are not new vocabulary brought about in the modern history, for we may trace the words back to the origins of human civilization. The word of spirit in the ancient Jewish language also has another two meanings: respiration (gas) and wind. What kind of relationship does that application relate to the culture of Qi (gas) and Qigong (a system of breathing exercises) associated with the ancient Chinese civilization?

We cannot see and touch spirit and soul, and both spirit and soul go together with each other. For example, when people die, the spirit-soul will leave the body; therefore, there is a phrase among the vocabulary of Chinese, saying “astral projection”. Therefore, the Chinese words and phrases of expressing spirit or soul or spirit-soul are richer than the western languages; these words also imperceptibly transferred the religious beliefs of the ancient peoples to modern people, so they used them to express their new faith or ideological concepts.

Truly speaking, the words of spirit, soul, and spirit-soul do not come from nothing; they are the language to describe the existence of facts. In ancient times of 3000 year ago, people, as it were, did believe the existence of spirit-soul; for they saw many specific phenomena associated with the spiritual world such as witchcraft, sorcery, ghosts divination, and the special functions of psychic and Qigong. However, since the ancient people alienated their relationships with God, and since the kingship authorities appeared and restricted the activities of witchcraft and the likes, and also since the philosophies got independence from religions and preferred its own development, most of people departed away from those special manifestations of the spiritual world. Thus, they changed the words of spirit-soul into a philosophical term and faded human perspective on the spiritual world.

When the time is in the age of Plato’s philosophy, although scholars did their studies on the relations between soul and body, but they had no relations with the true God and His controlled spiritual world. And then the core of the ancient religion and philosophy still focused on human souls (PSYCHO), but modern scholars changed such a profound knowledge into the simple psychology. Today, if we would like to study the ancient religions and the spiritual world, we must go through the dual perspectives for spirit-soul and psychology with understanding of the background of the ancient people, and then we can carry out an omnibearing survey on the spiritual world. Apart from the above-mentioned aspects of language studies, we may research on spirit-soul and the spiritual world through the relations between a flesh life and a spiritual heart, because a human spiritual heart (the combined term of spirit-soul and psychology) is the core of life shared by both the ancient people and modern people.

How does human spirit-soul exist? Though people can not see their spirit-soul, they may feel the functions of their spirit-soul in their lives. First, human eyes are the windows of their spirit-soul, you may look at a mirror, or look at other people’s eyes; this does not mean to see the appearance of eyes, but look through pupils for seeing something inside. In particular, when two pairs of eyes are crossing with each other, you will find that many people have to dodge. Secondly, spirit-soul displays their existence from human emotions. Because animals do not have spirit but only their own souls, they have less complicated feelings and emotions than those of human beings. Furthermore, people’s wisdom and ability come from their spirit-soul which enables them to manage the Nature and to create productions for their daily lives.

In addition, “Qi (gas)” is the existing entity closely associated with spirit-soul. However, while we recognize the existence of gas, but in fact we do not see it; and we only feel it from the air and our breath. Therefore, we must study the existence of spirit-soul with the knowledge of the traditional Chinese medical science and Qigong. Similarly, the special functions of psychic and Qigong combined with human Qi field (looks like invisible electromagnetic field) and strange phenomena of demon and ghost can give us some kind of enlightenment for exploring the spiritual world.

Today, among Christians who hold the Bible with their hands, there are many believers do not believe the existence of spirit-soul; because they regard God only as supernatural power, and only accepted the love of the Lord Jesus, but they fail to recognize that the Holy Spirit can lead their spirit-soul to renew their lives. Maybe some believers say that they believe the existence of their spirit-soul, but do not believe all kinds of the manifestations of the spiritual world. Therefore, they do not fear of God with their non-integrated faith or small faith, and do not obey completely the teachings of the Lord Jesus, and thus they could not fully believe the authenticity of each word in the Bible.

H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The second edition in Chinese was published on July 30, 2007. The edition of translation was published on July 30, 2007.

Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!


From the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem to today, there are still many Jews who haven’t turned to Jesus and acknowledged that he was the Messiah that they have been waiting for. Why? The prophecies of the Messiah are clearly written in the Old Testament of the Bible, why do the people who believe in Jehovah not accept Jesus as their Savior? Below are the top ten reasons for why they don’t accept Jesus, and we look forward to having you to discuss these reasons together with us.

First, they debated on the birth of Jesus. At that time some Jews believed that he was an illegitimate child (see John 7:34). After that whenever they saw in the scriptures that Mary was a virgin and conceived a child by the Holy Spirit, they did not believe it was true.

Second, the social status of Jesus was too lowly. He was a carpenter’s son and grew up in Nazareth. The Jews believed that nothing good like a prophet could come out of that place.

Third, Jesus violated their rules. The biggest conflict was over the Sabbath when Jesus cured the sickness to save them, which destroyed their religious traditions.

Fourth, Jesus often associated with sinners. The Jewish people, especially the scribes and Pharisees, would not ever dine with sinners. But Jesus would often eat with sinners and preach the gospel to them.

Fifth, Jesus never performed miracles in front of their eyes, so this would make all their questions unexplainable.

Sixth, Jesus always criticized the hypocrisy of the Judaist. For that, the religious leader and their coworkers could not tolerate Jesus’ conduct.

Seventh, Jesus preached the gospel to the Gentiles. The Jews have never taken the initiative to preach or associate with the Gentiles. They felt that their religious beliefs belonged to their nation only, and they believed that they were a superior nation. Therefore, they didn’t understand God’s plan for salvation through the Jews was to preach the gospel to all the peoples of the world.

Eighth, Jesus said he was the Son of God, who would come on a cloud to judge them. The Jews’ understanding of the Messiah was like a prophet similar to Moses or Elijah in the Old Testament. Therefore they did not regard the Messiah as their God. This is because they did not have a deep understanding of the prophecies of in the Old Testament that told of the divinity of the Messiah. So when Jesus claimed to be God, they accused him of blasphemy.

Ninth, Jesus didn’t resist the Roman Empire. At that time, when Israel was under control of Rome, the people were hoping for Jesus to come as a Messiah to rescue them from the rule of the Romans. When they saw Jesus did none of that, instead of shouts of welcome, they screamed, “Crucify Him!”

Tenth, the death of Jesus was on the cross. The Old Testament books didn’t specifically mention the Messiah’s death to be on the cross, which has become a stumbling block to the Jews. As the result, they didn’t understand the meaning of the cross and denied the gospel of Jesus.

H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The third edition in Chinese was published on February 26, 2007. The edition of translation was published on February 5, 2009.

Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!


Today, the Bible has been translated into thousands of languages, and there are many different versions of the Bible for major languages in the world. If people count the versions translated by heresies, they do not know which one is accurate translation. However, we have the original texts of the Bible which are the authoritative versions for us to interpret the Bible. When we state that the Bible is the inerrant and authoritative Word of God, we point to the original manuscripts of the Bible according to Faith Statement of LIJM.

The original text was composed with the ancient Hebrew scripture of the Old Testament and the ancient Greek scripture of the New Testament (also including the ancient Aramaic). In the fourth century A. D., the Eastern and Western churches had a meeting together for officially deciding the canon by selecting and compiling 39 Books for the Old Testament and 27 Books for the New Testament.

From 1950s to the new century, the scholars who study the original tests have given us a great help with their studies and works, so that we may get a better understanding of the original texts of the Bible and of the intertestamental literature in order to do a better job to interpret the biblical scripture. Therefore, when we encounter the scripture with arguments, or the scripture may cause different opinions, or the scripture is difficult for people to understand, we may use the original texts to study and explain those scriptures. When we face the hard time to compare different versions of the biblical translation, we should set aside all the scripture translations, and directly study the original texts so as to get the correct answer. As a result, the original texts of the Bible are the only authority for testing all versions of the translation and interpretation of the Bible. Friends, if you have the ability and conditions to study the original texts of the Bible, this is very worthwhile investment of time, money and energy on such a wonderful thing; because you study the highest knowledge and get the truth and wisdom from the Kingdom of God.

We take this opportunity to commend you several books related to the original texts of the Bible: “The Text of The New Testament” Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co (USA), 1989; “A General Introduction To The Bible”, Zondervan Publishing House (USA ), 1990; “Multipurpose Tools for Bible Study”, Augsburg Fortress Press (USA), 1993. If you can read English, German or French books, you will get more materials and information to study the original texts of the Bible.

H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The first edition in Chinese was published on November 13, 2007.  The edition of translation was published on November 19, 2007.

Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!


The most important sentence among the 66 books of the Bible is: “You must be born again.” These words came from the mouth of God who became the incarnation, and the Lord Jesus made repeatedly His statement, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”(Please read John 3:1-8). Unfortunately, many Christian churches no longer teach the truth of rebirth, but regard the faith as a religious concept. Therefore, people cannot see the light and salty of Jesus from believers’ lives, and that has caused churches and believers’ spiritual inanition and desolation.

john3Some Christians constantly pray with tears for revival, but see nothing happens; because few preachers proclaim the truth of rebirth with salvation in a boldly attitude. Instead, in the church we often hear that pastors teach the salvation for those who only use their oral expression as well as being justified by faith. But many believers do not change life! Among Christians, we also hear some people call themselves as born again Christians; and as a result, there are two types of Christians: born again and no born again. When the Lord Jesus comes again and judges the world, he will separate truly born again Christians from false believers, and both types of believers should receive their rewards and their punishments.

The reason why Christians and pastors do not teach the new birth taught by the Lord Jesus is that God did not talked about the lesson of the rebirth in the Old Testament, but talked about Abraham and his righteousness by faith. However, the whole Bible what we read today is not for Abraham and Moses, but it is the truth for those who like to believe in Jesus. Because the Lord Jesus told us that He is the way, the truth, and the live, we must obey all of His teachings, especially on the truth of rebirth. Only when people have a rebirth with the new life in Jesus, they are the believers of truly being justified by faith. Therefore, the sentence of “you must be born again” has become the most important one in the Bible. And when we fully understand the truth of rebirth with salvation, we may know the double meanings of the Cross, and then we are willing to take up our cross to follow the Lord Jesus, to abandon our old lives, and to renew our lives in the Lord Jesus, and then we may bear good fruits of the abundant life for glorifying the Holy Name of God.

H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The second edition in Chinese was published on June 12, 2007. The edition of translation was published on June 12, 2007.

Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!


Today church leaders always talk about various methods, programs, and plans of preaching the Gospel, but they do not think about what kind of the Gospel they deliver to people. Here, we can bring up an example of a common content used by church believers for telling people the Gospel: “God so loved the world and will give them the eternal life; but because of their sins, people are isolated from God. Therefore Jesus Christ became the sole salvation prepared by God for forgiving human sins. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will get the eternal salvation and have a good relationship with God.” Though this concise message of the Gospel is from the Bible, it simplified the whole contents of the biblical truth and omitted some important teachings from Jesus our Lord.

For example, it does not mention of the Lord Jesus’ teaching about the spiritual rebirth, taking up the cross, and bearing fruits in Jesus. We must note that when the Lord Jesus gave His great commission to His disciples for preaching the Gospel to the world, He warned them,”teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) Therefore, we must proclaim all teachings of the Lord Jesus (including all acts he witnessed), and not only to preach, but also command believers to obey all teachings given by the Lord Jesus

If we simplify the Bible into several elements or a few of principles or doctrine, it is not 100% of the Gospel, or we may call that 100% of the Gospel as a pure and whole set of the Gospel, which means that all teaching are directly from God, not with human make-up. So if we simplified the Word of God and teach people with the approaches and the contents for pleasing human desires, it is difficult for us to guide believers to go through a truly regeneration in the Lord Jesus. It can be said that today churches face no revivals and many problems, because preachers do not proclaim all the teachings of the Lord Jesus; but instead, they apply the human made religious messages to please people, and as a result, they made many believers without the new life, or call them as false Christians. When the Lord Jesus comes to judge the world, there must be many people shouting, Lord, Lord, but the Lord Jesus will refuse to accept them and shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Please read Matthew 7:21-23).

Maybe you will say, we first used this simplified Gospel to lead people to believe Jesus, and then guide them to study the Bible in details. However, you may feel difficult to handle the effectiveness of this evangelical presentation, because people cannot renew their lives if there is no the works of the Holy Spirit upon them. The Holy Spirit is working with the truth of the Bible. If you, from the very beginning, do not lead people to rely their faith on the rock of the truth, but build their religious beliefs on the sand, it is very hard for you to change the life of false Christians. Because they cannot change their lives with a religious message unless the truth of the Bible breaks their stubborn hearts and then they are willing to do a thoroughly repentance. Here, besides a simplified teaching of the Bible, the religious messages also include social “Gospel”, cultural “Gospel”, and secular “Gospel”.

In short, if you are a preacher, you must fear of God and must learn from Apostle Paul, not please people but only seek God’s joy, and preach a pure and whole set of the Gospel. Because all of us will have to face the judge of the Lord Jesus, and He will see if we are good and faithful servants or not.

H. Moses Sun wrote this article. The first edition in Chinese was published on April 2, 2006. The second edition in Chinese was published on October 10, 2007. The edition of translation was published on October 10, 2007.

Friends, we are glad that you read this article and hope it may help you. If you like to believe Jesus, please click here: “Way of Eternal Life.” We expect that you would like to tell us about your ideas: info@livinginjesus.org. So, we will edit and add good points to this article, which may help more people by opening their hearts. If you like to support our ministries, please click here: “DONATION“, send your gift to us. You may make a copy of this article or forward this article to your friends and relatives, or post it on your web page of a social network. If you publish this article on any magazines or papers or websites, please indicate that this article is originally from the website of www.exposingmysteries.org; because H. Moses Sun has the copyright of all articles published on that website. We wish you could join hands with us to spread the truth of Jesus through Internet, and we hope more lost peoples may get the eternal salvation!



